About The N95 Face Masks

Mask ‘s Effects the N95 respirator is designed to snugly around the wearer’s nose and mouth. When worn properly, this respirator can block at least 95% of the dust and bacteria from the air.

The origin of the N95 face mask

The fact that the US 3M Group refused to be forced to sell N95 face masks to the US Government caused a wave of controversy and at the same time made the N95 face mask taken seriously. On April 6, the Taiwan Nonwoven Fabrics Industry Association shared information on its official website, about the inventor of the N95 face mask, which is Dr. Thai Binh Dieu ( Peter Tsai) is from Taiwan.

The N in the N95 face mask is a sign of the phrase “not resistant to oil”, which means it is not resistant to oils, but it has a very good filtering effect, 95 that is able to filter at least 95% of the particles. are microscopic as flu viruses, dust, pollen, exhaust gases and dust. How you can filter viruses, bacteria and fine dust, the answer lies in the electrostatic non-woven fabric in the middle layer of the mask.

The non-woven fabric manufacturing process can make the fiber thinner, the holes in the fiber can trap fine dust and microscopic particles, and static electricity is attached to the fabric through the electret method. internal and external electric fields, the electrostatic equivalent of a permanent magnet). When viruses, bacteria pass through the outer layer, penetrate the middle layer, the electrostatic charge will suck all viruses, bacteria. This is also the reason why the non-woven fabric is called the “heart of the mask”.

During the development of the N95 face mask 30 years ago, Dr. Peter Tsai had a very extensive knowledge of materials. He continuously experimented with optimizing the Meltblown nonwovens technology and promoted the development so that to this day, humans can directly use a complete method, stretching Polymer into ultra-fine yarn under the conditions of high pressure and temperature.

Dr. Peter Tsai used electric fields to ionize the neutral air, create ions and electrons with opposite charges, then through electric fields and induction caused the fibers of the nonwoven to become electrically charged, the fiber type. after treatment electret can suck microscopic particles that are passing through the mask.

Dr. Peter Tsai has been with the Department of Materials Science at the University of Tennessee (the main campus in Knoxville) for 35 years and has recently retired. The Vice Chancellor of the University of Tennessee – Mr. Maha Krishnamurthy once evaluated Dr. Peter Tsai like this: “He showed our university researchers how to establish and maintain the relationship between research. Science with manufacturing industries, how to drive innovative products to market and make a huge impact. We thank him for his dedication to research, his enthusiasm and motivation to bring research results into production”.

It has been estimated that Dr. Peter Tsai’s research and development technology has protected and improved the health of more than 1 billion people.

1. The effects of N95 respirator

N95 or N99 means 95%, 99% fine dust is filtered out of 0.3 micron in the air. Thus, N99 and N95 respirators filter better than medical masks. However, N95 face masks must be worn snugly and tightly to the face to achieve the desired effect. Therefore, this is also the advantage and disadvantage of this mask.

N95 respirator is designed to fit snugly around the wearer’s nose and mouth. When worn properly, this respirator can block at least 95% of the dust and bacteria from the air.

face masks

2. Wearing a N95 face mask is the best way to prevent coronavirus?

Wearing a mask is beneficial in preventing all other viruses, not just Corona virus. However, the preventive effects are only promoted if people wear the right masks in the right type in each situation.

So, to prevent corona virus, should I wear an N95 face mask? Accordingly, N95 respirator is a must for health care workers when they meet coronavirus infected people.

Conventional medical masks mainly help the wearer avoid large dirt and saliva spills, so compared to the N95 face mask, the N95 helps to better protect the wearer.

However, with the current epidemic situation, the Ministry of Health said that common medical masks are enough for people to use when traveling by public transport or in crowded areas to protect yourself from the spatter of saliva from other people when communicating, or coughing and sneezing attacks. However, everyone needs to know how to wear a mask properly.

face masks

Wearing an N95 respirator is a must for every healthcare worker in contact with an infected person

3. How to wear an N95 face mask correctly

The common point between N95 and medical masks is that they should be used only once. thrown in the trash. And an N95 respirator must be worn properly to avoid exposure to polluted air.

  • When wearing N95 face mask as well as all other masks, do not use your hands to touch your nose, mouth under the fabric to scratch itch, listen to the phone, eat or drink … because this action can be brought. The germs on the hands go into the body.
  • When using the mask, do not touch the outside of the mask with your hands because the outer surface of the mask may encounter droplets or droplets, so it is dirty.

It is also advisable not to remove the mask and then put it in a bag, pants or clothing and then re-wear it because medical masks are recommended for single use only, if removed it should be discarded, and you should use new.

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