During a pandemic outbreak and a tendency to spread like today, protecting yourself is a problem that many people pay attention to and medical face masks are an object use inseparable every time out. However, the situation that masks are gradually scarce is creating conditions for poor quality masks that many users are quite confused. Currently on the market, there are two types of masks, which are medical face masks and paper masks. So how to distinguish medical face masks and paper masks like? How to choose a quality face mask to ensure your health? Let’s find out in the article below right now!
How to distinguish medical face masks and paper masks
Choosing the right mask and knowing how to use it correctly will help you avoid being infected with viruses, especially corona virus. Many people mistakenly think that medical face masks and paper masks are two kinds of melodies, but in fact these are two completely different types of masks. You can distinguish these 2 types of masks through several characteristics as follows:
Structural features
Normally, medical face masks are manufactured in accordance with antibacterial and dust-resistant standards, there will be 3 layers, in which: the dark blue outer layer will waterproof and prevent liquid particles from splashing. the sick person coughs or sneezes; The middle layer will be a filter layer that filters out dirt and microbes of very small size; The innermost layer is white, made of fiber-free or ruffled material and is sweat absorbent for the user comfort.
As for the paper masks, usually only 2 layers are the filter layer and the waterproof layer.
Based on the characteristics of the structure to distinguish the medical face masks and paper masks
The ability to purify dirt and bacteria
With multi-layered design, the medical mask gives the ability to purify dirt as well as better bacteria. It may even be resistant to bacteria or dust particles of small size. Therefore, wearing medical mask will help to limit the maximum risk of epidemic infections better.
Usually, the paper is the ability to clean the dirt and bacteria far inferior to the medical mask.
Price of products
Medical face masks with cheap price of about 35,000 đ to 55.00//box 48 The remaining paper is very cheap price, cheaper than medical, price of about 25,000 VND/box 50 pieces.
Criteria for selecting the quality medical mask
There is a truth that we need to know that, if using poor-quality or non-guaranteed high-quality respiration also causes the risk of respiratory diseases is very high. So how do you know if you bought the right quality sheet? According to the recommended medical experts, to avoid buying fake masks, poor quality, consumers need to pay attention to the following criteria:
– The medical mask of the standard when soaking in water will not be watered. The paper or imitation is wet and absorbent immediately.
– The medical mask when torn off will see the inner paper layer intact, also the paper mask will have the inner layer of paper is split.
– When the outer layer and the hand pull the strong medical mask will see the layer in the center is not torn and tough because it is made of antibacterial cloth or antibacterial paper. As for the paper or low-quality mask, the middle layer will be torn immediately as it is made of toilet paper or the inexpensive paper layer does not have a bactericidal effect.
– It is necessary to choose the type of medical face masks that embrace the face, only allow up to 5% of the air to pass through the gaps so that will help the dirty air to get inside. If wearing a non-fit mask is not recommended to buy.
Choose a mask that fits and holds your face close
– Although it is necessary to hug your face, you still need to ensure airy, helping users feel comfortable to wear, normal breathing is a quality mask. If the medical mask causes breathing problems and discomfort, it is not of good quality and should not be used.
Cautions when buying medical face masks
The market today has a lot of masks labeled with fake and poor quality medical face masks. Therefore, in order to buy a qualified mask, you need to pay attention to the following:
– Buy masks at a drugstore or big grocery to ensure the origin and origin. Absolutely should not buy products for sale along the sidewalk.
– The process of exporting standard pages is usually tested very strictly. Therefore, when buying, you should carefully check the information printed on the container including brand, place of manufacture, ingredients, expiry date.
Cautions when buying medical face masks
– There are many types of masks on the market today, with many features such as sun protection, anti-smoke, anti-bacteria, viruses. So you need to pay attention to choose to buy masks to suit your needs. For example, go to a hospital or a crowded place, you should choose an anti-virus, while going out on the street, you should choose a sunscreen.
– You should choose a mask that fits, not too tight or too wide. When wearing, make sure the mask covers both the mouth and nose. Do not wear a mask to cover your mouth or over your nose, and then pull down your chin occasionally.
Masks should be changed regularly, which one is recommended to use once, should only be used once. For fabric masks, they should be washed regularly and dried in the sun to kill bacteria. Hopefully, through the article shared above will help you, help you distinguish between medical face masks and paper masks as well as know how to choose the most suitable product to protect your health and your family especially at a time when the pandemic is raging