The best anti-virus dust masks today

The outbreak of corona pandemic is also when the dust masks become “expensive” than ever. Wearing a dust face masks becomes an act of safety for yourself and those around you. The question here is “are masks effective?”. To find the answer, please refer to the article below!

Faced with serious air pollution with the current outbreak of corona virus. Choosing a mask that is both dustproof, dust-proof and virus-proof to use every time is absolutely necessary. However, not all masks are of good quality and are effective at protecting your health. Today’s article will introduce you to the masks with the best dust and virus resistance!

How to choose anti-virus dust masks?

Currently on the market there are many different types of masks, the most popular are still fabric or paper masks that are labeled as medical masks. However, there are very few of these are manufactured strictly according to anti-dust and anti-virus standards. Basically these masks are only effective against ordinary coarse dust, while smaller dust or viruses are not effective.

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How to choose the right masks

In order to protect against fine dust and viruses, the respirators must be manufactured according to the standards accredited by the US Government Institute of Health and Safety – NIOSH as follows:

– N90 – Eliminate 90% of fine dust with minimum diameter of 0.3 Micromet;

– N95 – Removes 95% of fine dust with the smallest diameter of 0.3 Micromet;

– N99 – Removes 99% of fine dust with the smallest diameter of 0.3 Micromet;

– N100 – Removes 99.97% of fine dust with minimum diameter of 0.3 Micromet.

The higher the dust filter standard, the more expensive the mask will be. Currently, N90 and N95 standard masks with relatively good dust and virus filters are being sold in the market at a reasonable price.

Good masks are effective against viruses and dust

1. N95 Mask

This is a mask that originated in Singapore and is rated as the best respirator. This type of mask is capable of preventing viruses, bacteria up to more than 95%. Besides, N95 can also prevent micro dust 0.3 micron or less and pollen up to 100%.

The product is made of a non-woven fabric with activated carbon with three layers. The fabric is made of a fine fabric that is hypoallergenic, has good elasticity and elasticity, seals gaps and is designed to fit most of the face. The activated carbon layer is an activated carbon filter with raw materials made entirely of 100% activated carbon tightly pressed in the fabric. Finally, the active fiber layer helps protect human health, prevents pollution and creates ventilation for users. This type of mask has a shelf life of 10-14 days. However, this mask will be more difficult to breathe for the user.

2. 3M mask 9501V

This is an American-origin mask manufactured by 3M. 3M masks use the N95 dust filter standard, capable of killing smoke, polluted dust and bacteria up to 95%. This mask not only helps filter dust, smoke, but also can filter virus bacteria in the air.

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3M masks 9501V

3M masks have a quite special texture, the fabric is made of activated carbon with a wide shape, giving users a comfortable feeling for the wearer and embracing but still ensuring tightness. It is also one of the most popular masks in the world, not only widely used in Vietnam but also popular in many other countries such as China, Singapore … The

price of this mask on the market The current market is ranging from 450,000 VND – 500,000 VND / box of 25 units with the ability to meet many objects from workers with heavy pollution to those who only use them for casual purposes.

3. Pitta mask

Pitta Masks are also one of the best dust masks from Japan. Produced on the basis of leading Japanese technology, Pitta deserves to be a beneficial human mask – the medical mask has a multilayer structure that filters bacteria up to 2.5µm in size. This type of mask meets N95 standard with the ability to remove bacteria, bacteria, fine dust up to 99%.

In addition to the ability to filter dirt and prevent viruses, Pitta masks also work against the sun, prevent UV rays, thereby reducing and preventing skin diseases extremely effectively. In general, this type of mask has a design that embraces the face and embraces the whole face and has very good elasticity.

4. Medical masks (Surgical masks)

These masks have a layered texture, including a liquid membrane that captures the respiratory drops from the user’s breath, and is waterproof. Medical masks for the ability to prevent more than 95% of viruses and more than 80% of bacteria in the environment. It also helps prevent dust and pollen by up to 80% and is easier to carry than the N95 mask.

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3-layer medical masks

With the current situation of epidemics increasingly bad, it is necessary for each person to equip themselves with knowledge about the epidemic as well as implementation of disease prevention. Hope the above article will help you understand more about the types of dust masks and have the best choice for your needs!

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